Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The areas in your life that are not brought to prayer are areas in which you are blind.
     You see, the reason we are taught so soundly not to walk by sight, is because walking by sight is the ultimate blindness a believer can have. God's Word also teaches us that there is no light except walking with Him, and consequently, without that, well, add it up:
     No walking with Him = no Light = no sight!
     Many are taught that walking with the Lord is doing a list of Christian things and associating with the Saints. That is a far cry from the recognition of the Body of Christ and the obedient response to His commands.
     Prayer is where we take the Truth of the Word and "sup" with the Lord. It is the place and time of decision, commitment, and abandon. And without that precious time, there can be knowledge, but there is no sight.
     To carry it a step farther, neither is there sight concerning issues or people not prayed for, if those are fixed in our lives. For example, a woman who does not pray daily (according to the Word) for her husband, will only know him after the flesh, because she can't see him through the eyes of faith.
     This is also the reason so many families have roast preacher after church for their Sunday meal. When there is no regular intercession and holding up of the arms in battle, those in authority will only be seen on a pedestal or after their faults.
     Blindness produces not only the accident prone, but it is accompanied by the onset of a numbness - numbness that is the result of denial.
     Determine to love. Determine to be available in prayer for service to others - as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. When we approach the prayer time in this way, we are able to ". . .walk in the Light as He is in the Light, and we have fellowship, one with another!"


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