Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


    Once we have been born again into the Kingdom of Light, we no longer have the rights of those in the kingdom of darkness.
     This means that now that I have the indwelling Holy Spirit and have sight and hearing beyond human faculties, and now that I am an alien here and my real home is in heaven, the economy of life is different!
     A Soldier of the Cross must learn to withdraw from the need to grasp and enforce the taking of human rights.
     You no longer have:
     -the right to be understood
    -the right to financial security
     -the right to a bump-free day
     -the right to make your own decisions
     -the right to any particular life style
     -the right to retire
     -the right to be healthy physically
     -the right to any kind of lust
     We could go on and on, couldn't we?
     The most important thing is to come to the Lord in prayer as we realize our fist has clenched around the thing that has been precious to our flesh.
     He is faithful, and He is far more interested than we are in the deep, deep work that is needed to eagerly relax the fingers of the flesh!


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