Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     We have started something new in our Sunday School.
     Well, it isn't the first time it has been done - the Christian and Missionary Alliance has done a similar thing for years. Anyway, we are calling it The Soldiers' Brigade. It is for all children, and they must memorize verses and hymns, read the Bible all the way through, visit nursing homes,  write to missionaries and read missionary biographies to earn badges that are sewn on to green army jackets. They can win other things - books and tapes, but the most important thing is that they must turn in a prayer journal - even the little ones that can't read yet can draw, and they must be trained.
     Almost all adults I have met who are faithful in these things learned them as a child or knew someone who talked about them.
     We are far too casual about the thoughts and goals of our children.
     I teach music at a University and I think it is great when someone can perform well, but it isn't worth anything when there is no Holy Spirit. I am also a lawyer, and I think it is wonderful to hear a good argument that is fair and balanced. But it doesn't mean anything if there is no Holy Spirit.
      In believing homes today, there should be prayer and singing before anyone goes to school. Tre should be singing at night. There should be a chart on the fridge to check off verses and hymns that are memorized.
     Children must be taught to wait on the Lord - to listen to that still small voice. The only reason Hannah was able to write what we call "Hannah's Song" is because she gave up her child to follow and serve the Lord in the Temple.
    There was so much power in her words, when Mary found she would be the mother of Jesus, she quoted Hannah's Song".
     There is no power in trying to have a life, and our children need to know it and know it early.
     There is power when the Holy Spirit is allowed to lead us through this world.
     We know we are sojourners and pilgrims in a barren land, and our children must know it too!
     So boys and girls, look around - we are not going to live like that!
     Look up! We are going to live like that!



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