Only spiritual
sight can see what is really going on. That is why it is so critical to make sure as Soldiers of the Cross, we are in tune! If we are not ". . . in the light as He is in the light. . ." we have no fellowship one with another nor can we see. When there is no sweet fellowship with Jesus, things are reduced to what is obvious instead of what is true. This is the case when there is discouragement, bitterness, or fear. What is the real truth? The true One has promised He would not leave us or forsake us, and He has never broken a promise. Our lives are about serving Him in obedience, not in decisions and reactions based on what we see humanly. The problem is, we look at the winds and the moving waves and we start squealing and flopping looking for rescue when in fact, the Rescuer already has His hand outstretched as He did to Peter. The Bible says "and immediately He stretched out His hand. . ." And He will respond to you just as He did to Peter! |
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