Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The Word of God!
     You must consult the Word of God! Learn to ask the Lord and expect Him to speak to you from the pages of the Precious Written Word.
     Are you wondering about a personal problem? Is there a thorn in the flesh? Are you being pressured about money? Have you been betrayed?
     What about being misunderstood?
     Remember that He earnestly longs for our attention and will supernaturally use the moments we spend in His Word. Many, many times each week I find myself in need of supernatural counsel. I have learned to come before Him alone, confess any sin the Holy Spirit might reveal, speak to the Lord about the problem, and dive into the Word.
     One of the most ridiculous things that can be done is to blindly open the Bible and put a finger on a verse that is predetermined to give direction. As a new Christian I did this several times and found myself among the Chaldeans, being punished for being the scourge of Israel!
     But in expecting the Lord to speak, He will. Always, He speaks to us, reminding us that He is sovereign and the situation is under control.
     He also reminds us that we are to let Him work in us to bring about His own likeness in us.
     It is sweet and it is reassuring. He will never leave you hanging.
     The real issue is, are you willing for His direction and His personality to be revealed through you in the situation?
     Then know this: He is listening, and He will speak!



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