There is
nothing wrong with being a radical.
In fact, what the Lord does if
allowed, is to create radicals who have been empowered. We are
empowered to chase zealously after the Lord and to seek first
the Kingdom over all else.
There is not even one tiny parallel
that can be drawn with the unsaved.
There can be a human vision for
something, but without the Lord, there is only human power -
or worse. For that reason, those who have never tasted the Truth
and touched Him for themselves, fear what they don't understand.
There is no revelation of the One
who is The Word unless there is a fanatic pursuit of Him. There
must be a pressing in prayer, a talking about Him, and a supernatural
abandon to all else. I would say that is pretty radical.
That is the big problem with the
Church today - all the modern bells and whistles have deleted
A Soldier of the Cross can't sit
through certain kinds of music. A Soldier of the Cross can't
bear books, magazines or movies that compromise the scriptures,
even if they are done by Christians.
A Soldier of the Cross can't make
small talk simply because there is time to fill.
A Soldier of the Cross can't sleep
at night when there is unconfessed sin.
A Soldier of the Cross is always
begging the Lord for "More of Him and less of me"
Oh, Lord, please send us heavenly,
Holy Spirit-filled radicals!