Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     ". . .Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. . . "
     There is only so far the Lord will let us go. We really are sheep, you know, and we need to be prodded and rescued from ourselves all the time.
     The staff is particularly interesting because it was constructed to disentangle the sheep from exquisite messes. It is easy to go just over the edge of an unprotected area and slide down into a bramble bush that catches the wool in a way that allows no escape.
     But the Shepherd is always there, and rescue is no problem for Him. There is no place too disastrous or complex for Him and his reach is not limited.
     He never said we could have only three or five or seventy rescue coupons.
     He is my personal shepherd, and He cares. He continues to be " the lifter of mine head" and "my high tower" .
      He deeply cares and is attentive to each little deviation.
      Remember Paul's beautiful phrase? "May the God of all comfort. . ."
     I am deeply comforted by the Rod and the Staff!



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