Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Memorize the hymns so that you can say them without the music.
     I believe they should be sung at the top of your lungs, but many times the words only reverberate in the soul when they are spoken. It is one thing to know all the words, but it is entirely another to speak them.
     Are you interested in being able to say honestly:
      . . .Whatever the cost, thou has taught me to say;
      It is well, it is well with my soul. 

     . . .I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord;
     O'er mountain or plain or sea.
     What a Friend we have in Jesus..

     We could go on and on, couldn't we! But the point is, there are many inspired lines in these songs and they have come out of experience with the Cross. They were not written to cut a record or perform a big concert - they were the fruit of the deep, deep work of the Lord, and obedience that came from the depths.
     The "worship" music has no blood on it. Put it aside for a while and see what the Lord will do in your heart with the hymns of the saints!



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