Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The only experience I can rely on is my experience with God!
     As a Soldier of the Cross, I must be careful to remember that the Frontier of Faith is one of faith! 
     That means it is apart and in advance of my human experience, and I must rely on "because He has said".
     The problem arises on a regular basis, because the old nature wants to rely on and serve experience. As a matter of fact, many contemporary Christian books today approach the Christian life from experience rather than faith.
     We must get this once and for all:
     The life of Faith is one that is lived day-to-day apart from human experience. That means that although events around me may seem identical to previous happenings,
they are not.
     That is what the Bible says.
     So, I put my weight on the Word of God! He has said that He would lead, He would not be far away, He would rush when called, and I believe it.

     Oh, my Lord and my God! I desperately need to be delivered from the worship of experience. I shrink from its arrogance, but can't seem to break away.
     Please do in the deepest places, whatever is needed to make a place for faith. I submit in advance and tell you I know there is nowhere else to go.
    Please , Lord, do a work in me. Make room for your own Life.




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