Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

       The Lord is never in a hurry, nor is He ever late, because time is not a constraint for Him.
     It is only useful. After all, He created time.  
     It is easy to forget the beautiful story of Lazarus. Jesus deliberately waited until it was more than too late. Then, He came and did that such was not only impossible, but beyond comprehension.
     He will do the same for you. In fact, He does not work any other way.
     We desperately want Him to, and we yearn for Him to let us know in advance how things will happen.
     Clearly, it is not good for us. If it were, He would have designed life in that manner.
     It is a supernatural process of clenched fingers and grinding jaws relaxing into the sovereignty and Love of God.
     He died for us.
     He won't be late!
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