Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


    Oh Soldier!
     Please understand: we do not operate under the same economy as those who are still under the world system.
     Others may receive full pay for what they do. Are you a Soldier of the Cross? You may get less.
     Others may be able to reach an understanding . Are you a Soldier of the Cross? you may not be able.
     Others may get recognition for what they have done. Are you a Soldier of the Cross? You may go unrecognized.
     Oh, Soldier, I desperately beg you to listen:
      We do not live here. We live There. We respond to the One Who died for us. We were born out of His side. It is not the same.
     The Everlasting Arms are still there, but the display of them is up to Him. We are to be dead to the world and alive unto Christ. That means a totally different economy.
     What a privilege!
     Soldier, do not be distracted.
     Look up and move on!



View past Devotional.