Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The next hour will never be like the previous one.
     In the Lord's economy of time, all things are new for the Soldier of the Cross and that means that even repeated things have eternal dimension.
     We pass by opportunities for service, ministry of grace, and encouragement because when the event or conversation begins and appears to be a repetition of a like of similar one, we press back into the reaction we had before.
     Peter recognized the wind and the waves, and he retreated into the reaction one has to such elements. The Lord however, responded to his cry and "immediately " (Amplified Bible) reached out and took Peter's hand to lift him to safety.
     We rarely bother to investigate what the hour can hold. He who spoke the universe into being and whose name is The Word has called us unto fellowship.
     That changes everything.
     He is.
     And the fact that He is, should cause the Soldier to wait for, hope for and expect Him, even though there is no human reason to think the next hour can possible be different than the ones before.

     Lord, please teach me to live in the truth of your Word. Do whatever is needed in me to bring about a place that can recognize you quickly and with submission.
     I beg you to carve away those places and things that would distract from what lies immediately in front.
     Oh Lord! Please, make me a true Soldier of the Cross.


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