Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     It is possible to have a jaded conscience.
    That is one of the precious and deep ministries of the Holy Spirit - to restore the sensitivity sin has produced.
     A believer who has had a sharp tongue for many years can't either hear himself or imagine his effect on others until he begins the process of supernatural healing in this area.  
     When the Lord attends to the growing up of His children, He always deals with the unholy while He teaches and show other things. It is not possible to fully walk in the Spirit and continue in insensitivity to others.
     So, the one who is serious about serving often goes through painful gyrations as he received dealings at the hand of God - dealings that he has actually prayed for in a sense.
     As we come alive in Christ, we must understand that those who express Him love others. They are given to the service of and ministry to others. And the Lord trains them.
     Of course, this training does not make a mushypeace-at-any-price Christian.  Rather it makes a secure and self-sacrificing, wise Soldier of the Cross.
     What a beautiful process and so different than self-condemnation.
     All He wants for us is Himself!


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