Am I a Soldier
of the Cross?
Do I feel like it? Never.
Do I look like it? Not to myself!
Do others tell me I am? No, they
usually let me know what I am doing wrong.
How can I know?
Because I have decided to
follow Jesus.
Nothing and no one thrills me like
Jesus. He is my goal and I think about Him all the time. There
is almost no interaction that does not cause me to consider Him
and the things He has said.
Absolutely nothing else is even
a tiny fragment of interest to me compared to Him.
I love being around His people,
and even the immature and difficult offer a challenge that is
not without hope.
I love putting all my money into
the eternal investment place where I know the officers and directors
will not self-deal.
He speaks Peace to me at the most
difficult times.
I know for sure there is No Turning
I am and will be for all of
time a Soldier of the Cross.