Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     It doesn't matter what it is - do not evaluate by sight.
     The Word tells us to bear one another's "troublesome moral flaws" (Amplified Bible)  and that is an instruction that supersedes what we see.
      Has someone stumbled? Only his Maker knows what is really going on inside. Stating the "obvious" is just as bad as speculation, because sight is often not even a partial truth.
     We are talking about a walk by faith. The Faith Walk does not mean just making decisions that concern me and my life, but it means all decisions and evaluations must be regulated by the wonderful, secure, eternal Word of God.
     The Lord will give a Word of Knowledge when needed, and He certainly gives sight to His Soldiers.
     Remember one important thing: evaluation and speculation are not sight!
 Soldier, yes we must be wise, but healing comes by Grace.


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