Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


    You must remember, His hand is mighty.
     The Psalmist says "Your right hand is mighty and your right hand is raised high."
     It is so easy to look at the situation over and over and the mind desperately wants to hash things out.
     And oh, the circles the thoughts create! Over and over, trying to investigate or resolve or relive with a different outcome.
     But we serve a mighty Lord, and what is more, we have become adopted sons!  
He is mindful of our concerns and they have become His concerns.
     There are other things you must attend to, and you must be able to concentrate. Go to Him right now and tell Him you are handing the situation over to Him again. Tell Him that you must do other things and that you will submit to the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in living.
     He will come forward with the provision to do the things at hand, and that alone is supernatural assurance.
     We must learn to live with countenances that reflect our homeland, not the entanglements of everyday life.


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