Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Nothing is genuinely winsome but love.
     There are many things that seduce, but while seduction calls the Soldier away from the Race, and Love woos him to spur on yet more vigorously.
     Love went to the Cross for the undeserving.
     Love moved among the needy, going beyond disease to release the healing that is the normal response to supernatural Love.
     Love named you.
     Love gave you the assignment you now have, and you may not turn your back or fantasize about human solutions.
     Love revealed Himself through words - memorize them.
     Love blazes to you through the eyes of the Loved Ones - love them in return.
     Love laid down His life so you could know his Life. You must lay down yours.
     His attention to you is rapt and personal.
Turn your thoughts away from all that would distract, and press into Love.
    In Christ, there is no rejection.



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