Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The Glory of the Lord is only seen by those willing to pay the price.
     And what is that?   
     Only the Soldier of the Cross who is willing to leave all behind to follow the Lord will be able to see His Glory.
     There is no other means by which a man can be sighted. The soul of a man is pressed back by the gravity of the world until he is desperate enough to step away from absolutely everything and let the Lord have it all. Only then does the Holy Spirit so swell in the spirit of the Soldier as to empower him to see.
     We can sing about the Glory, we can talk about the Glory and we can listen to accounts of others who have seen the Glory.
     But the only ones who can give a testimony as to the Glory are those whose fingers clasp nothing and whose eyes are fixed on the One Who leads then with His eyes.
      A man's eyes cannot gaze on two things at once. And when one has seen Him, all else pales!



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