Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

    Some of the things that bother you the most are simply not important.
    Often they sting with what feels like a poisoned barb, or perhaps the sense of 
unfairness is so great it seems impossible to react obediently.
    The truth is, the only time we should be saying  "I just feel. . ." is when we take 
these issues to prayer.
     Apparently the Lord did not consider it important to be reviled in public and put
to death.  It was not the time to even the score.
     The flesh is a land mine and if you are not careful, you will spend your entire life
 justifying your feelings and reactions.
     Again, look at Him.
     He was not bothered because He saw something greater, and He will grant full
sight to the Soldier of the Cross who asks.    
View past Devotional.