Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     The Lord never gave us a command that could not be obeyed.
     We are told clearly and repeatedly to discipline our thoughts and to line them up
with the thoughts of God.
     The thought life is not often the subject of sermons.  The reason probably is that
so few Christians have taken this seriously and have presented themselves to the
Lord to be trained in this area.
     Soldier, if you do not seek to have His training in your thought life, you will be a
person who reacts to everything in his thoughts - chews over and over the sequence
of events - relives each word spoken.  That is not right.
     Those whose thoughts line up with His, will be able to respond to the Word of God.
They will not be in a tornado of tail-chasing of the past or future.
     Don't be a reacting casualty - be a responding wielder of the Sword.
View past Devotional.