Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     "Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light. . . "
     A wonderful little children's song, but it teaches us a deep truth.
     We must be clean.  There must be a pattern of confession and repentance that is
the result of the light of the Holy Spirit and not self-evaluation.
     Known sin is easy to spot, but there are many things, some the result of prayer, 
that the Lord is weeding out, and they all must go - in prayer.
     As we come obediently as part of the regular prayer time and present ourselves,
He will be faithful to let us see on a need-to-know basis what we need to lay down
in a prayer of confession.
     It isn't about feeling squeaky clean - it is about being ready for service and about
being able to be with a God who is Most Holy.
View past Devotional.