Soldier, be sure satan does not lure you into a victim mentality.
Any time you are occupied with and must talk about how you are treated or what
you have been through, you are in danger of falling into the trap.
God's Word tells us we are not to feel sorry for ourselves. In fact, He also says
we are to focus our attention on others and we are absolutely not to consider it
important even if we are treated unfairly and suffer for it. (I Peter 2)
Most suffering in our lives is the result of unscriptural attitudes, rather that things
that actually happen to us. But even when there are painful things, submission to a
Sovereign God will take the horrible sting out of even the most difficult grief.
We are not tin soldiers - we are real people and we have feelings and we
experience things at many levels. But the Christian whose movements and words are
dictated by feelings is living as though there were no Bible.
He is living as though his feelings were more real that the Power of the One who
gave His life so we would learn to be overcomers.
This process begins in the thought life, and few are willing to learn it.
Soldier, you'd better decide now what you want, because there is nothing that can
draw you away from the Lord - you are not helpless and in fact, you must learn to draw
on what is rightfully yours - Resurrection Life.
Focusing on myself brings the taste of death.
We need to learn to ". . .die daily. . ."
It's the only way to live!