Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     While we may not compromise with the world, we must also be careful to allow
others to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, rather than develop blindness that results
from second-hand sight.
     By that I mean, be careful in attempting to train others in areas of your convictions.
     I have seen many new Christians robbed of the joy of learning to be led by the Lord
in daily living because well-meaning older believers have come along and instructed 
them in long lists of "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts".
     In discipling the new Christian and in developing and admonishing all of the 
brethren, there must be a divine sensitivity to refraining from telling others how to do 
     When the Lord teaches, it is through the Word, by example of others, and in the 
anointing of preaching to the Body.  He is able to open the ears and eyes and will do
so when prayer opens the way.
     Christians who behave or refrain from behavior taught to them by others often have
an added measure of blindness because they have had their minds persuaded, rather 
than their hearts won.
     When the Lord transforms a man, the whole man is changed.  He can see from
whence he came and where he is going.  When a Christian is persuaded to conform
his behavior to the convictions of another, he develops a dullness to the Lord and
usually can not see anything in that area.  Moreover, he will be a total jerk toward 
others in that area and will pass on with more intensity and insecurity the thing that 
was passed to him.
      Deliberate sin is another matter, and must be addressed within Church discipline.
But new and revived Christians must learn to respond to the Lord and to submit to 
supernatural transformation.
     Teach the Cross.
     Teach the death of the flesh.
     Teach the importance of memorization.
     Teach the necessity of prayer.
     Teach the firm discipline of children.
     Relentlessly instruct concerning the needs of others coming before our own.
     Live before the seen and the unseen, and His Chosen will follow.
View past Devotional.