Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There is no peace until others come first.
     And that usually does not mean family.
     There must be the likeness of the Lord in us that reaches beyond, into the realm of 
the weak and hurting, and it must go farther than our immediate families.
     It is natural to sacrifice for others in a family - the Lord has made it that way.  But
it is supernatural, for example, to put the needs of the local assembly ahead of one's 
own.  Or the needs of a prisoner.  Or the needs of a missionary.
     It is one thing to give because we feel like it, and it is an entirely different thing to
give or minister or sacrifice because we see the needs of others more strongly
than our own.
     Soldier, if you are always doing for your best friends and your own family, there is
more.  If your conversation is always reviewing your own actions and events and those 
of your own tight circle, there is more.
     Rare is the Christian who is available to express the Lord to anyone He chooses.  It
is too awkward.  We prefer to choose.
     And we like to give to those who seem to deserve, rather than those He chooses.  It
makes us feel good when we are satisfied we have done something good for someone 
we like.
     But He came and died for a writhing, human mass of undeserving slime, as well as 
the humanly good.  They are both the same.
    The unsaved need love.
    The Brothers and Sisters need love.
    All around us are pretenders.  Some pretend to be weaker than they are, but most 
pretend to be ok, even when they are barely able to function.  
     Look each one directly in the eye and stand ready for the Lord to speak to the
woman at the well, or to raise Lazarus, or to change the water into wine.
    You have five senses and two feet.  The Lord gave you a picture of your life when He 
took the loaves and  fishes, held them up, blessed them, and broke them to be passed
out to the multitude.
     It was more than enough.
    And if you allow Him, He will do the same with your life.  And it will be more than 
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