Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     No known sin.
     We are allowed no known sin.
     Who are the "overcomers" of the letters to the churches in Revelation?  Those
who do not overlook deliberate sin, and those who will obey all His commands.
     Although we do not have all knowledge and although we often feel powerless to
change things around us, He has made it implicitly clear that we may not simply
act as though things are not happening, once we have become aware of them.
      I am not talking about rushing in to correct others, I am speaking of one's own
responsibility is stepping away from passivity and in turning to the Master for
marching orders.
     It is an act of the will and it means governing the bodily members and faculties to
perform in agreement with God.
     If we agree with God, there will be the evidence of obedience, and the reward is
fellowship with Him and the healing and light of His Presence!           
View past Devotional.