Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Fear can creep into the most stalwart life.
     The Lord has defused the world's power to harm us, yet if we are not careful, our
lives can be marinated in the penetrating fear of every day life.
     Without fellowship with the Lord, we fear misunderstanding.
     Without fellowship with the Lord, we fear financial dearth.
     Without fellowship with the Lord, we fear illness.
     Without fellowship with the Lord we fear for our children.
     Fear, fear, fear.
     And that is how most of the world lives.
     But we who have a Savior have been lifted up and engrafted into divine protection.
     Many fears leave at the moment of salvation but others must be rolled onto the 
Lord repeatedly.
     One way or the other, He has set us free and we must obey. We must pursue this
freedom in prayer and be eager for exercises He will give us.
     Worry is fear.
View past Devotional.