"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child and the rod of discipline shall drive it out. " Oh, how hard that seems to be for some parents. Brothers and Sisters, love your children enough to teach them they are not in control. A child is the center of his own world until he is taught otherwise. It should begin from birth by putting the baby on a feeding schedule rather than feeding on demand. Naps should never, never be habitually accompanied by a parent napping - that sends the wrong message to the child, and is one of the keys to raising an unspoiled child. Another important key is, the parent, not the child must determine what is eaten. Does the child object to the food that is served? For a little one, food is a major issue in his life - he does not have many other issues. You must evaluate at this point how much you really love your child. Do you want him to have character and to be free, or do you need to know he is comfortable and that you have pleased him? If the child does not eat, he will become hungry for the next meal and he will eat. When that happens, he will learn to genuinely like the food served, and you will have spared him a lifetime of selfish blindness. Adults who were indulged in this area as children always have problems with needing their own needs met before they can relate to what is going on around them. Do not let your children talk back to you when they are little. It is not funny or cute. Imagine the words at 10 or 12 or 15. There is no difference. If you teach a 2 or 3 year old he is not allowed to say "no" without a consequence, he will not defy you when he is older. Soldier of the Cross, if take parenting seriously, you must raise your children by faith - like the rest of your living. You must ask to be changed. Of course you should enjoy your children. Since Adam, there has not been one parent who thought the job was perfectly done. But we have a Lord - and He has a lot to say about children. When the believer refuses to let the child control, he or she is free to stand before the Lord and ask for wisdom. I beg you Soldier, come before the Throne of Grace today, and ask Him to let you see. Just ask Him to give you sight. That is what Wisdom is - sight. When you are willing to do the thing needed instead of the thing wanted, you can expect the Lord to lead you in paths of parenting that lead to His Likeness in you and your children. |
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