The Lord's love for you is personal, and far exceeds your most extreme
The old saying is really true: if you had been the only sinner, He would have died
for just you.
His Love is personal and specific. And remember He has said that all the
volumes of the world would not be enough to contain what He has to tell us. That
means the Bible is stunningly selective, and we'd better take every word seriously
and personally.
Soldier, He will never have another side exposed. He can be trusted. He has told
us everything we need to know now.
He is attentive to your needs, but He has put things in place in such a manner that
you must talk to Him in order to move Him.
No prayer, no real relationship.
The reason most do not pray is because they do not believe it makes the
difference the Bible teaches us it does.
Soldier of the Cross, let go of anything you must, in order to have an empty hand.
His is extended and you must have an empty and available hand in order to let Him
clasp your hand in His.