As an attorney, I can assure you that there is probably nothing more reassuring
than having someone stand between you and the judge.
It is the job of the attorney to argue your case, to protect you, and to do whatever
is needed to make sure your case is presented in a manner far better than you could
present it yourself.
But when the Believers' Judgment comes, there will be no attorney.
We who are His, will all stand before the Great Advocate, and we will be
confronted in His own divine manner and with His divine perfection.
There will be no excuses or arguments.
We are told nothing about the event, only that it will happen. We are told that our
words will be brought before us, and our works that are not of faith will be burned.
Brothers and Sisters, it will be a serious event.
When I go to court to defend or accuse another, the seriousness of the occasion
often makes me so nervous, I am afraid I will be sick.
But when we stand before the Infallible One, the One who made us and Who Gave
Himself For Us, there will be no explanations and no excuses.
Make no mistake.
Love Himself will be on the Throne, and we will account for our works.
Therefore, let us live for Him and for nothing else!