Discernment comes from spending quality time with Jesus. It is not possible for any believer to know what is inside others all the time. That is why the Lord told us to let Him remove the tares, so that we would not try it and unwittingly remove wheat as well. But the enemy is always trying to infiltrate. He will do it in various ways - with religion, with rebellion, with entertainment, and always with unclean spirits. Sooner or later unclean spirits will manifest themselves, but in the meantime, know that prayer will expose what needs to be exposed and we must be about the business of love. Often, the Lord will give discernment on a motive or perhaps He will give a Word of Knowledge, but more often than not, love will either heal or expose. One thing is sure, the Lord loves The Church, and where He has placed his Candlestick, there He will guide and protect, through those in authority. Our vocation is not policing the Church, our vocation is Love. |
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