Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      Everyone today is so concerned about God's Plan for them, and young people
are actually taught that they need to discover what that plan is.
     That is absolutely false and propogates the search for what lies ahead.
     The Lord tells us in the Bible that He has a Plan for us and that He knows what it
is.  But the Bible also teaches us that He is going to lead us one step at a time.    
     The  parts of the Plan He tells us about are not interesting to very many Christians
because they do not experience the joy and security in it. It isn't too impressive to
them that He has gone to prepare a place for us.  Or that He has described the end 
of time. 
     We know a few things about heaven.
     The thing that is disturbing to many is that they don't know what tomorrow holds.
     We don't need to know His Plan.  We need to know how to follow Him right now.  
Of course the flesh wants to know the whole Plan.  
     But He has not designed it that way and the Designer is not about to change 
the design.        
View past Devotional.