Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There is a tremendous difference between enthusiasm and the blue-hot heart 
resulting from divine unction.
     Enthusiasm is an energy that is expressed by the soul, and it is subject to all that
is around.  It must feed on something in order to exist, and sooner or later, it will ebb 
     It can be fragile, touchy, and blind.  It is natural.
     On the other hand, when a believer submits to the Lord wholly and  makes 
obedient decisions, the Fire of God sweeps in to burn away that which is not useful,
and to energize that which is useful.  This power is supernatural and it is the result of
the Holy Spirit having unbridled room and movement in that Christian's heart.
      The Fire of God is often quiet and only the submitted Servant will know what it is.
      The one who allows God to reside in his heart in the manner will not feel
powerful or, for that matter, he will not be thinking much at all about the way he feels.
      But, he will have heaven's momentum.
View past Devotional.