Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Christian parent!
     Please, teach your children.
     When there is a pouty facial expression or excessive disappointment, or any 
inappropriate  reaction, you must teach your child it is not ok.  He may not speak to 
you that way, he may not have that look on his face, or he is wallowing in a bad feeling 
that is not necessary, and the feeling can change by taking care of the people in front of
     It is heart-breaking to see parents merely distracting their children, or overlooking
what seem to be small, unimportant negative statements and reactions.  Mothers
have often said to me, "you just don't understand. . ."
     Yes, I do.
     Unlike most parents, I have dealt intensely with children from 10 through teen 
years for thirty-seven years.  I have been a nanny and have been for several years in 
the public schools.  I have lived with my grandchildren and still live with them in the 
same house.
     Soldier of the Cross, children crave to be trained.  And of course, once a child has
been born again, he craves to know how to fend off the enemy.  
     I am begging you to take a new approach to raising your child.  This is not about
having the best result with the least work.
     This is about ministry.
View past Devotional.