Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There is much pain we do not need to suffer.
     The Lord allows things in life that cause us to grow in awareness of our need for 
Him,  and those are pains and griefs we cannot escape.
     But there are many daily things that are nettles under the skin.  If they are not dealt 
with in prayer, they begin to fester and will become sources of great discomfort.
     We need to be cleansed each day by the washing of the Water of The Word.  We
need sight for the moment, and we must allow the Lord to loosen the fingers that grip
the problem so tightly.
     Soldier of the Cross, we have only a few days to live.  Let us live them in 
obedience and let us exercise obedience in the devotional life - coming before Him,
lifting up clean and empty hands.
View past Devotional.