Daily Devotional
Your life must not revolve around your children.
Is your conversation with your spouse primarily about the children? Do all your plans depend on the children? Do you consider first if the child would be bothered, or far worse, do you make choices because an alternative choice would guarantee the bad behavior of your child?
If so,things are out of control in your household.
You are to serve the Lord - you are not to serve
your children.Yes, being a parent is the most important job there is. And, yes the reponsibility is constant. The issue is, you must move forward in service to the Lord, and your children must come along.
They must see by example what is important, and the worst thing for the child when he is allowed to run your life.
God's Word teaches this principle.
Don't make excuses, but go to Him in prayer and give up your children once more.
Your children were not given to you to feed, clothe, and keep happy and safe. They were born into your care in order that you might obey the Lord in training tme up.
It does not begin when they are ten, or eight, or five, or even three.
It begins in prayer before they are born.
If the Lord is speaking to you today and your children are older, it is never too late. He can redeem the time, and He will give you sight.
Ask him today to give you a vision of submitting to Him as a parent.
View past Devotional.