Daily Devotional

     You must learn to be content.
     That means if there is a burr under your saddle, you must be sensitive enough to
recognize that being annoyed and longing for changes in circumstances just might
be due to disobedience.
     There are things that should change - deliberate sin in the home,  dividing the
Saints, etc.
   But most of the things that consume Christians are those things that stand in the
way of certain areas of comfort.
     Can the Lord put you in prison?
     Can the Lord give you pain?
     May He give you a blessing that would be public?
     Can you be trusted with an assignment that yields no obvious result?
     Those who take up the Cross daily are learning to be content, because 
discontent comes from the cravings of the flesh.
      Soldier, decide today.  Do you belong to yourself?
     Or do you belong to Him?
View past Devotional.