If you have sight and if you have seen Jesus, it is wonderful to grow older.
Those who pursue Him grow more like him, and have learned to revel in His
Provision. Those who have resisted Him continue to attempt independence, but the
unseen muscles become flaccid with age, and it is not possible either to hide, or to
roar again with the same power.
Soldier, watch your language with regard to this issue.
Agree with God. Say what the Word says.
Age is valuable.
Age can bring increased flexibility.
Age can bring more recognition of Him.
Age can free one from the foolish concerns of youth.
In all of human existence, one of the greatest thrills for the Christian is to meet one
who has walked with God, obeyed God, and has set his Course on the things of God
for many years.
It is thrill like no other, for that person bears about the Savior himself, and all those
who Love Him, know it.
Soldier of the Cross, is it your birthday? Do not cheapen the day.