Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

   Your calling is to obey, and to do the next thing.
     Nothing more and nothing less.
     You are not called to be famous.  That is something He will attend to.   Your
calling is not to do a particular job, although it may be in the Plan.
     Your calling is not to be married to a certain person, even though that also
might be in His design.
     Your calling is holiness.  And that is the thing you need to concentrate on.  You
must look to please the Lord in your thought sand in your speech, and He will
lead you in the moment by moment design.
     So many think little about God, but when  they come to a cross roads, they
want the Lord to show them the way that will guarantee an absence of problems.
     Remember, you are to reckon yourself dead.  How then can you entertain
     You may not.
     Let it alone.
     Look up and move on!
View past Devotional.