Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Be a Servant who is determined to serve.
     What does it mean to serve? It means you don't need to understand.  You 
don't need to know why.
     You don't have to have things solved on your own time table.
     You don't have to be right.
     You don't have to be understood.
     Most importantly, you have no human rights.
     As long as your flesh demands to have its needs met, you can't serve.  You 
can't obey, and you can't put your own agenda aside to take up His.
     Soldier of the Cross, those who  have their feelings hurt can't serve.
     Those who have to be vindicated can't serve.
     Those who are impatient can't serve.
     Let the Lord teach you to be a Servant.  He has named you, called you, and
He is longing to be allowed to transform you - to create His own likeness in you.
     Determine to take up the Cross - the place of the death of the flesh.
     Tell Him today.
     Tell him aloud.
View past Devotional.