Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     The battle is in the mind.
     If you do not guard your thoughts and take them away captive, the enemy will 
be free to control your tongue as well as your thoughts.
     There are those folks who blurt out things they have not even thought of 
before.  Even some Christians do this.  Those are folks who have been so passive
about the thought life, that the enemy can just race through the soul and erupt
out of the mouth - without any resistance at all.
     Most Believers are not aware of what their thoughts are.  You can not indulge
in that kind of passivity.  You have enlisted in His army.
     You are committed to being a Living Sacrifice.
     In Romans 12, Paul asks the Romans to yield their bodies and their faculties
daily. We are all included in that passage.
     You are the sum of your thoughts.
     Give Him everything. Obey in the thought life.
View past Devotional.