Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     We serve a gracious God.
     No matter the circumstances, He is Gracious.  He is Lovely.
     There are times when He lowers the boom and delivers what He has said He 
would deliver - punishment, destruction and scattering.  But still, He is Gracious.
     Soldier of the Cross, every aspect of His Personality is available to you.  His
Graciousness is an attribute that few experience because it means pressing away 
Self. It means refusing the things that gratify the need to be seen as having the last
     It means considering the things that will, in the end, be healing.
     Oh, Soldier, please, please, let the Lord teach you and lead you in this beautiful
     His Graciousness is soothing, and it is a quality of Peacemaking.  
     Learn this quality from the Lover of Your Soul.
View past Devotional.