Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Is the enemy still able to stir you up without warning?
    Are you often loose-lipped? Do you find yourself fighting for your position,
then realizing you could have let the Holy spirit speak and usher Peace?
     You need to let the Lord teach you to redeem the moment.
     Your first reaction is to spear your flag into the ground, defend yourself and 
accuse the other party.  That is always how the flesh operates, and it has probably 
been your habit since childhood.
     Now, you belong to Another.  You are not your own and you must submit to
     Soldier, let the Lord teach you to recover the ground in the moment.  When your
first reaction is sin, let the Lord grant you a second reaction - that of letting Him usher in
a wisdom that will not only salvage the situation, but will protect you from taking a 
polarized position..
     You don't need to be right.
     You do need Jesus.

View past Devotional.