Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Christian Soldier, how careful are you about your words? 
     He would serve the Lord must listen to himself carefully.
     Do you laugh at the mistakes or flaws of others?  Do you find yourself making
private family comments about the way others look or speak?
     Do you make jokes about things that you would never disclose to the object 
of your jokes?  
     What are your private conversations like? Do you love to discuss others?  Do
you let those close to you discuss the faults of others?
     Do your children know you point out the flaws of others?
     Please.  Consider the hosts of the unseen that are listening to you.  Consider the
instruction in the Word of God.
     Perhaps you have not understood the eternal accountability for words.
     We who represent Him must be kind, consistent, and incredibly cautions about 
the tongue.
     We are made in the image of God - we have been saved by the Blood of the
One whose Name is The Word.
     Yes, you must second-guess each word.
     Line your utterings up with Kindness.  Gentleness. Giving the benefit of the doubt.
Knowing no man after the flesh.
     This is a terribly serious matter.  We know that out of the mouth flows the 
abundance of the heart.
     We also know we are defiled by what comes out of the mouth.
     Soldier, if you would serve, submit to the One who would teach you the control
of the tongue.
View past Devotional.