Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Make sure you are attending to the thing God has given you to do. 
The enemy loves to distract and many, many Christians allow themselves to be pulled away from divine assignment, because of emotions or physical circumstances orchestrated by satan. Soldier of The Cross, remember the old saying, "birds of a feather, flock together?" It is a true adage. Avoid those who are taking any stand against the Word of God. Lay your life down for the Brethren. You may not, and you must not compromise. You must keep your goal in sight. Of course, your primary goal is to know Him. Under His leadership, by the Blood and through The Cross, you can and will press through to express the thing He has appointed you to do. Over the years you have known him, you have undoubtedly expressed that you know some of the things He has called you to do.
He may move your location and He may redefine the office. He will not change your calling. Remember, He could come in five minutes. Be ready!

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