Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Your body and all your faculties must be daily dedicated to
the Lord.
     If you will do this, you will find He will honor your obedience, 
and He will allow you to stretch beyond your natural capacity.
     At meetings, believers should sit up, be attentive, and sing
loudly.  There should be eye contact with other Christians, and a 
smile is often just the thing needed to warm someone's heart.
     After all, doesn't your body belong to Him?
     When you are tired, you can still pray.  It is usually a physical
     You can visit someone.
     You can write an encouraging note.
     You can memorize a verse.  It is a matter of physical discipline.
     Someday you will have a a new, resurrected body. For now
let Him have all you are and all you have.
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