Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

   Yes, you must be your own policeman.
     You have the Indwelling Holy Spirit if you have been born from Above.  That
means you have access to supernatural discernment as well as power to make 
decisions that agree with God.
     You must listen to each word you speak.  Your words must be in Line with His.
You must guard your countenance. You must be temperate.
     Every believer must stretch, so as to make available the Gospel, whether is 
seems the right time or not.  Whether there is energy or not.
     Yesterday, I heard a Christian man say " some Christians think they have to 
get everyone on the airplane saved.  Me, I just want to take a nap."
     I am here to tell you that you can not take that attitude.  Your body might resist,
but because you have advanced in prayer, you have the ability to respond to God's call in spite of illness, persecution, financial devastation, or physical pain. Soldier, advance beyond endurance.
View past Devotionals.