Press On:

      The devotional life is the measure of one's determination to pursue God.

     I have heard it said that having personal devotions can be just a religious exercise.  I do not believe that.  If one is in the Word and in prayer- real prayer that is aloud and led of the Spirit, there is fuel for the prayer and the one who prays has an audience before the Ultimate listener.

      A personal quiet time is the first thing to go when someone is out of fellowship.  Moreover, the devotional life cannot be sustained over the long haul without the indwelling Holy Spirit.

     It is not possible to know Him without being with Him.  He can be known in the Body, in fellowship with one another, in the Word, in nature and many other ways.  But unless there is a consistent devotional life, there can be no intimacy with Him.

     Soldier, protect this privilege and treasure.