Are you eager to be changed?
If He wants you to be like Himself, won't He be bringing it about? Is His dealing within you welcome? Have you told Him so?
Soldier, His ways are creative to the extent that you cannot foretell them or design them. He often deals with us through those who are weak and unpleasant, in order to work in the deepest places of the soul to develop humility.
No one has a perfect record. If he thinks he does, he is a fool. We are all on the same footing. We are sinners, saved by Grace. Were it not for Grace, we could be lying in a ditch displaying needle track. Or worse.
Worse than that is pride. Nasty, blinding, passive pride.
Pride wants to know what the change is.
Pride wants to know that it approves of the change and that they are the changes asked for.
Pride wants to wave a flag of humility.
Soldier of The Cross, The Cross is the place of the death of the flesh. The change is a gift. It is to be brought about by the Lover of Your Soul. His own divine surgical knife. The change is to prepare you for eternity.
Watching and waiting for the Lord does not mean that we sit and wait for recognizable events and experienced victories. It means that because of submission in prayer, we recognize the Lord in any way He wishes to reveal Himself.
Tell Him. Tell Him He can do anything through anyone, and in anyway that glorifies Himself.
There is nothing else.
There is no one else.