There is a great need in today's Church for Believers who are stable.
We must be willing to let the Lord discipline and prune us and without complaining or pouting. There needs to be a vision of consistent good behavior even when circumstances are hard.
There is Power to stop talking about difficulties all the time.
There is Power to resist telling things about other people.
There is Power to love the unlovely.
There is Power to stop complaining.
There is Power to be disciplined in the matters of everyday life.
Soldier of the Cross, if we have the Mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16) we have the Power to be aware of the thought life and that is the beginning of real stability.
We must be fresh in the Word of God instead of just marinated in Christianity. We must be submissive in prayer. We must be attentive to others. And we must long to be like Him
Tell Him today.