
       The mind is never empty.

     We know from God's Word that the thought life runs the Soldier's life.

           "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. . ."
                                        Proverbs 23:7 (Amplified Bible)

     Most Believes are not aware of what they are thinking.  The enemy has a quiver of favorite fiery arrows, and the most subtle and most frequent is the arrow that shoots thoughts into the mind.  And from there, he divides and isolates Christians.

     We are not helpless.  We have the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and we have the Sword.

     There is a battle.   It will not end until we cross over, but so many are crawling through each day with battle fatigue due to a lack of armor (Ephesians 6:17.)  

     There is no defense against this assault without the fresh Word of God.  One of the best practices is to memorize a verse from your daily reading- even a part of a verse.  Write it down, perhaps in long hand.   It's the Sword.    Without protection, the thoughts the enemy projects are like an aggressive fog and reality is obscured.

     Soldier, God's Word is more real than the way that you feel.   That is reality.
     We are passing through.  That is reality.
     Obedience is what defeats the enemy. That is reality.
     He listens to us carefully and unfailingly does what is best for us. That is reality.

     Feed your mind with the Word- that's reality.

     Take this to prayer and do it aloud.
     Then, look up and move on.  We are a moving army.